At North Hinksey we acknowledge that writing is a key skill that empowers children to succeed across all curriculum subjects. We foster a love of learning through adopting an approach which is fun, creative and rigorous; allowing children to apply basic skills, vocabulary and grammar knowledge to write effectively and coherently. All writing is linked to quality texts and interleaved across curriculum subjects ensuring that pupils have a wide range of opportunities to apply knowledge taught and write for purpose.
We have adopted the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) programme to bring a clarity and consistency to the mechanics of writing. The children revisit the following threshold concepts as part of our spiral curriculum:
Threshold Concepts
- Present neatly
This concept involves developing an understanding of handwriting and clear presentation.
- Spell correctly
This concept involves understanding the need for accuracy.
- Punctuate accurately
This concept involves understanding that punctuation adds clarity to writing.
- Write with purpose
This concept involves understanding the purpose or purposes of a piece of writing.
- Use imaginative description
This concept involves developing an appreciation of how best to convey ideas through description.
- Organise writing appropriately
This concept involves developing an appreciation of how best to convey ideas through description.
- Use paragraphs
This concept involves understanding how to group ideas so as to guide the reader.
- Use sentences appropriately
This concept involves using different types of sentences appropriately for both clarity and for effect.
Analysis and Presentation
- Analyse writing
This concept involves understanding how grammatical choices give effect and meaning to writing.
- Present writing
This concept involves learning to reflect upon writing and reading it aloud to others.